Common Sense Home Good News Letter 12/11/22
“At this season of the year, darkness is a more insistent thing than cold. The days are short as any dream.” – E.B. White
Goodness, the days seem to fly by quickly as the year winds down to its end. With the sunrise after 7am, and the sunset barely past 4pm, I am grateful for extra lighting to stretch the dreary days.
Our weather here in northeast Wisconsin is trending slightly warmer again, but overcast. It feels more like November than December. Of course, the extended forecast calls for below average temperatures, so soon we’ll be freezing our tails again.
The long evenings lend themselves to contemplation, and I’ve been thinking about how far we’ve come, and where we want to go from here.
We took an abandoned pasture and turning it into a productive homestead. Now it’s time to work on the details – tackling the new coop, setting up systems to make things easier to manage, and maybe hosting some more gatherings. For starters, we’re considering a garden walk/open house in late July 2023.
Things are always changing online, too, so I’m giving some thought to that as well. Thank you for reading and supporting the site.
All our best to you and yours,
Laurie (and August IV, August V, and Duncan)
This Week’s Featured Articles…
Did you know that the EPA lists copper surfaces as an effective way to kill viruses? We share how to put the germ fighting abilities of copper to work in your home.
Practical Gifts for Every Budget, Plus Frugal Wrapping Tips and Printable Gift Tags
These white chocolate dipped cookie dough truffles are sure to be a hit at any holiday gathering. Make them ahead and keep them in the freezer. They’re gluten free and honey sweetened.
Last minute gift idea for the preparedness minded – the 2023 Survival Mom’s Prepping Calendar. This calendar has over 150 simple, frugal prepping To Do’s and tips!
Update on our rescue duck: Miss Sarah Sweetpea is now staying with the rest of the flock, except for when she overdoes it and gets tired. Then we bring her inside for a break. (The runner ducks are still running around a lot because our snow cover melted.)
We found a local chiropractor who adjusts animals and made contact. He says he thinks he can help with her limp, but hasn’t set a time for her adjustment yet.