Common Sense Home Good News Letter 10/1/23

“The songbird nest boxes stood empty, while the trees and shrubs echoed with the chatter of the migrating flocks. There were so many birds that at times it seemed the trees themselves might take flight. The little homestead offered a safe haven amidst the factory farms that stretched for miles in every direction, with protection…

Common Sense Home Good News Letter 9/23/23

“Bins, baskets, boxes, and buckets filled with produce festooned the home in celebration of the harvest. The arrangements weren’t likely to be featured in an upscale magazine any time soon, but they represented abundance, and the culmination of a another season of hard work. The land took care of those who took care of the…

Common Sense Home Good News Letter 9/3/23

“September dawned as a golden month. Sunflowers planted by wild birds romped around the edges of the gardens; while wild goldenrod, primrose, sowthistle, and butter-and-eggs painted bold swaths through the uncultivated areas. Here and there in the gardens, calendula and black-eyed Susans punctuated the crazy quilt garden beds. The trees and shrubs were ornamented with…